Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I am in charge of creating a logo to get an international conference to come to indy and this is an example of one design i have come up with. A few of my challenges are a.) indy is not the first place that comes to mind when thinking of a big city with a lot to do. b.) although indy is not huge by any means i am struggling with how to show the 'little city/ big town' aspect of this place, which i think is one of its key selling points.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Public Perception

'Post War (2004),' by M. Ward, is amazing. But all personal opinions aside, i believe that the artist m. ward, has found a way to market himself that perfectly fits his style of music, which i would call early evening distant dope smoking folk. Absolutely beautiful.

I believe that people and items in general are lost in time when they or it are marketed poorly or down right incorrectly. Prime example, Nick Drake, whom worked with the best artists of the time and was produced by Pink Floyds early producer, Joe Boyd. Unfortunately his beautiful music was never heard by the masses, faulting slightly on his lack of public performances, but mostly on Island Records failure to find a niche to place him in, plainly because as they have stated, 'we didnt know how to market him.'

I love this.
I think that it is truely beautiful art.
I like shoes.
I like cheeseburgers.
I love this.
It blows my mind.
I wish i could buy a pair, but i think its either a digital production or a single instance pair.
I would love to be paid to do these types of things later on in life.

Digital Candy: Nerd Gum

'Hey nerds, do you always chew gum? Do your friends always ask you for gum? When you whip out this candy, you will be the coolest person in school.'

Honestly i find this gum to be dumb. But in the stupidity i find what makes the internet great. im sure someone has made some good money selling these cell-phone gum peices for $1.99. right on mr. cellphone gum guy, do your thing.

-the honorable Mr. Luke Land

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Clarks wallabees 9-9

Clarks wallabees original is a brand of shoe that the Clark's Shoe Co. makes. I think that these shoes are great. But it is not just me who believes this to be true, they have stood the test of time. They were created in 1964 and have remained one of the highest selling shoes the company has ever produced. Not only are the shoes aesthetically pleasing but they are extremely comfortable.